Tourmaline Crystal: Exploring its Meaning and Healing Properties

Watermelon Tourmaline against a clear background.

Welcome to the fascinating world of Tourmaline! This multi-colored gemstone captures the eye with its mesmerizing hues and holds a hidden power, making it revered throughout history.

In this article, Tourmaline Crystal: Exploring its Meaning, Healing Properties and Benefits we will explore the stone in more detail and unlock its secrets.

Many believe the Tourmaline crystal has a deep and powerful meaning and is believed to possess various metaphysical properties, making it highly sought by crystal enthusiasts and spiritual practitioners.

So, join us as we discover how this exceptional gemstone can help alleviate stress, enhance creativity, and bring clarity to your life.

Whether you’re a crystal lover or simply curious about the hidden powers of gemstones, this article will serve as your guide to unlocking the true potential of Tourmaline.

Embark on this journey with us and uncover the transformative properties of Tourmaline that have captivated people for centuries.


One of the key distinguishing features of Tourmaline is its exceptional ability to generate an electric charge.

This charge is known as piezoelectricity, which occurs when pressure is applied or when the crystal is heated or cooled.

This unique property makes Tourmaline valuable in various industries, including electronics and telecommunications. Its ability to produce a current when subjected to mechanical stress or temperature changes has led to its use in sensors, amplifiers, and even in creating specific musical instruments!

Beyond its electrical properties, Tourmaline crystal boasts a wide range of stunning colors, making it a favorite among jewelry enthusiasts. From vibrant hues of pink and green to mesmerizing shades of blue and red, Tourmaline’s color palette knows no bounds.

This gemstone’s ability to exhibit multiple colors within a single crystal, known as pleochroism, adds an element of mystery and intrigue. Each color variation carries a unique energy and symbolism, allowing individuals to select the Tourmaline that resonates with their desired intentions and goals.

In addition to its captivating visual appeal, many believe that Tourmaline possesses metaphysical properties.  

The metaphysical meaning of the Tourmaline crystal is often linked to its grounding and protective qualities. Some think it can deflect negative energies and promote emotional stability.

Tourmaline may aid in spiritual growth, enhance creativity, and facilitate a deeper connection with the natural world. These metaphysical properties and striking beauty contribute to Tourmaline’s enduring fascination and popularity among crystal lovers and spiritual seekers alike.


If you’re wondering, “Where is this crystal found?” the answer is an exciting journey through some of the world's most stunning landscapes.

Tourmaline was first discovered in Brazil and remains in various parts of South America.

It is also abundant in some parts of Africa, such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. Tourmaline also exists in some regions of the United States, including Maine and North Carolina, but in lesser quantities.


Some cultures have a long history of using Tourmaline crystals for their symbolic meaning. In ancient times, many civilizations valued Tourmaline for its protective properties. It was believed to ward off evil spirits and offer a shield against negativity.

The name “tourmaline” is derived from the Sinhalese word “turmali,” which translates to “stone with mixed colors.” This name highlights the gemstone’s connection to Sri Lanka, where it is prized as a talisman of protection.

Various cultures associate Tourmaline with grounding and balance; in Native American folklore, it is a stone that can harmonize the spiritual and physical realms, bringing a sense of stability and wholeness.

Ancient Egyptians believed that Tourmaline held the power to guard against misfortune and promote emotional well-being.

Paraiba Tourmaline earrings against a white background.

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Beyond its protective qualities, Tourmaline crystal is a symbol of creativity and inspiration. Its vibrant colors and seemingly endless combinations have captivated artists and artisans throughout history, inspiring them to create magnificent works of art.

From the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Rome to the vibrant traditions of Asia, Tourmaline has been cherished and revered across diverse cultures. For centuries, the belief in its mystical properties and beauty has made it a sought-after gemstone.

Now that we have delved into Tourmaline’s captivating history and symbolism, we can explore this enchanting gem’s different types and colors, each offering its allure and qualities.


Tourmaline is a gemstone with an astonishing variety of colors, so it presents many options, from vivid greens and vibrant pinks to deep blues and fiery oranges.

The Tourmaline crystal's meaning can vary depending on its color and the individual's beliefs.

Green Tourmaline (Verdelite)

Green Tourmaline crystal against a white background.

One of the most renowned variants is the green Tourmaline, known for its rich, emerald-like hues. Its vibrant color comes from iron and titanium in its chemical makeup.

Many believe that green Tourmaline possesses powerful healing properties, promoting a sense of calmness and rejuvenation. It is often associated with the heart chakra, symbolizing love, compassion, and harmony.

Pink to Red Tourmaline (Rubellite)

Pink Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Rubellite's color can range from a deep, rich red to a pinkish-red hue. It is prized for its transparency and clarity. This gemstone is often faceted to enhance its brilliance and is used in various types of jewelry, including rings, pendants, and earrings. Its striking color and rarity make rubellite a highly desirable and sought-after gemstone among jewelry and gemstone enthusiasts.

Many revere this Tourmaline for its connection to emotions and heart matters. It inspires feelings of love, self-acceptance, and compassion, making it a popular choice for jewelry with sentimental value.

Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)

Indicolite Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Blue Tourmaline, sometimes called Indicolite, is a captivating gemstone with shades ranging from soothing sky blue to deep oceanic hues. This gemstone is associated with enhancing communication, intuition, and spiritual growth.

It promotes clarity of thought and opens pathways for self-expression.

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)

Black Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Black Tourmaline is a powerful stone with a rich history and incredible spiritual properties.

On the metaphysical level, it helps its user ward off negative energy while also bringing in positive energy and encouraging happy thoughts.

Some believe that pairing Black Tourmaline with other crystals, such as Rose Quartz or Citrine, allows a person to focus on spiritually-driven goals that they want to achieve.

Black Tourmaline can clear an energy field, open the heart, and protect the chakras from negative energies.

Black Tourmaline can also be beneficial when it comes to grounding and calming down during times of stress.

Placing it on an altar or in a home area can help reduce anxiety and create a more peaceful environment.

Watermelon Tourmaline (Bi-color)

Watermelon Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Another remarkable type of Tourmaline crystal is the Watermelon Tourmaline, aptly named for its resemblance to the fruit. This gemstone displays a beautiful combination of pink hues in the center, transitioning to green on the outer edges.

Watermelon Tourmaline is highly valued for its balancing properties. It harmonizes the energies of the heart and root chakras, bringing a sense of stability, grounding, and emotional well-being.

Dravite (Brown) Tourmaline

Dravite Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Dravite, also known as Brown Tourmaline, is known for its striking shades of deep, earthy browns ranging from a rich chocolate hue to a lighter, honey-toned variant. Its uniqueness lies in its distinctive color and ability to act as a powerful grounding stone.

Brown Tourmaline crystal is identified by its brilliant, lustrous finish and complex internal structure, which form from a combination of several elements, including aluminum, boron silicate, and multiple other minerals.

Its name, 'Dravite,' comes from Dravograd in Slovenia, where it was first discovered and described.

Many believe it aids in self-healing and self-acceptance and brings about a sense of peace and tranquility. It's often used in various spiritual and healing practices.

Chrome Tourmaline (Chrome Dravite)

Chrome Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Chrome Tourmaline, also known as Chrome Dravite, is a variety of Tourmaline that contains chromium, which gives it a rich green color.

Chrome Tourmaline is highly valued for its vibrant hue and is often used in jewelry. It is in various locations worldwide, including Tanzania, Kenya, and Russia.

The chromium content in Tourmaline crystals is responsible for the intense green color, which makes this gemstone highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

Paraiba Tourmaline

Paraiba Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Known for its rare and breathtaking colors, ranging from turquoise to neon green, Paraiba Tourmaline gemstone is as unique as it is striking.

Officially discovered in 1989 and originating from the Paraiba region in Brazil, it holds a special place in the world of gemstone enthusiasts and collectors.

Siberite Tourmaline

Siberite Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Siberite Tourmaline crystal boasts a rich color, often ranging from a deep purple to a lustrous burgundy. It is considered rare and valuable. Siberite Tourmaline stands out due to its unique hue combination and origin, which is notoriously linked to Siberia.

It's believed to help cleanse and purify your body's energy, effectively removing blockages and promoting a better energy flow.

This stone is also thought to help achieve emotional balance, helping you manage stress and anxiety.

Liddicoatite Tourmaline

Liddicoatite Tourmaline against a clear background.

Liddicoatite, a rare form of Tourmaline, is a significant gemstone known for its beautiful colors and crystal formations. Mineral collectors and enthusiasts recognize this significance and highly prize it.

The name 'Liddicoatite' is a tribute to Richard T. Liddicoat, a renowned gemologist and former Gemological Institute of America (GIA) president.

Liddicoatite crystals can display various colors, from delicate pinks to vibrant greens and blues, making each specimen a valuable addition to any collection.

Achroite Tourmaline (colorless Tourmaline)

Achroite Tourmaline (colorless Tourmaline) against a clear background.

Achroite is a colorless or pale variety of the mineral Elbaite, a type of Tourmaline. It is valued for its pure and transparent appearance and is often used in jewelry for its subtle yet elegant aesthetic.

While not as vibrant in color as other Tourmaline varieties, this variety possesses a unique beauty and is appreciated for its clarity and versatility in jewelry design.

Due to its colorless or near-colorless nature, Achroite is often used as a complementary stone alongside other gemstones, providing a sense of balance and sophistication in jewelry.

Canary Yellow Tourmaline

Canary Yellow Tourmaline against a clear background.

Canary Tourmaline crystal is a rare and highly prized variety known for its vibrant yellow color. It is named after the bright yellow canary bird and is treasured for its intense hue and exceptional clarity.

Collectors and jewelry enthusiasts favored this gemstone for its striking appearance, and it is often used in unique and eye-catching.

Canary Tourmaline is primarily found in the East African countries of Tanzania and Zambia.

These regions are known for producing high-quality, vibrant yellow canary tourmaline. Brazil is also recognized as a source of Canary Tourmaline.

The gemstone is often discovered in pegmatite deposits and igneous rock formations with giant crystals. These deposits yield a variety of colorful and valuable gemstones.

While Canary Tourmaline is relatively rare, these select regions are renowned for producing some of the most coveted specimens of this stunning gemstone.

Cat's Eye Tourmaline

Cat's Eye Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Cat's Eye Tourmaline crystal is a variety of Tourmalines exhibiting a unique optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy.

This effect creates a band of light that moves across the surface of the stone, resembling the slit eye of a cat.

Parallel needle-like inclusions within the Tourmaline crystal cause the cat's eye effect.

This phenomenon creates a striking visual effect when the stone is properly cut and polished.

Cat's eye Tourmaline is in various locations worldwide, including Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

These regions are known for producing high-quality Cat's Eye Tourmaline gemstones, which have a distinctive chatoyant effect and are highly sought after in the gem and jewelry industry.

Bi-color Tourmaline

Bicolor Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Bi-color Tourmaline is a variety of Tourmaline crystal that displays two distinct colors within the same crystal. This unique characteristic is caused by the stone's variation in chemical composition during its formation.

Bi-Color Tourmaline commonly features color combinations such as pink and green or blue and green, but other combinations can also occur.

The colors within a Bi-Color Tourmaline crystal can be distributed in different patterns, creating visually stunning gemstones highly valued in the jewelry industry.

Watermelon Tourmaline is a type of Bi-color Tourmaline.

It is named for its resemblance to a slice of watermelon. It features a pink center surrounded by an outer green rind, mimicking the colors of the fruit.

Bi-color vs Parti-color Tourmalines

Parti color Tourmaline crystal against a clear background.

Bi-color and Parti-Color Tourmalines are not the same, although they are both types of color zoning in Tourmaline crystals.

Bi-color Tourmaline displays two distinct colors in one crystal, typically in a clear and defined separation. The colors can appear in various patterns, such as in concentric rings or a split down the middle of the crystal.

Parti-color Tourmaline, on the other hand, features three or more distinct colors within the same crystal.

These colors may be distributed in different areas of the crystal, creating a captivating and diverse pattern of colors.


Exploring the meaning of Tourmaline crystals can be a fascinating journey into the world of metaphysical beliefs.

The word "metaphysical" may seem unfamiliar or abstract to some, but essentially, it refers to the study of the spiritual nature of existence and reality.

Tourmaline's metaphysical properties have been studied and revered for centuries, with many cultures attributing it to various healing and protective powers. Its historical significance connects us to ancient civilizations and their beliefs.

In Native American traditions, Tourmaline was believed to strengthen one's connection with the earth and provide protection from negative energies.

In ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations, Tourmaline was believed to have come from the center of the Earth and was associated with the sun. Many people today still hold this belief, using Tourmaline as a grounding stone to promote a sense of stability and balance in their lives.

On a physical level, Tourmaline's unique composition makes it one of the few minerals that can generate an electric charge when heated or rubbed.

This property, combined with its ability to emit negative ions, has led some to believe that tourmaline can help purify and cleanse the mind and body.

Understanding the meaning of Tourmaline crystals can provide insight into their role in meditation and energy work.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Tourmaline's metaphysical meaning is its connection to the chakra system.

In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, chakras are believed to be energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a specific color; coincidentally, a tourmaline gemstone aligns with each chakra.

This has led some to believe that wearing or carrying certain types of Tourmaline can help balance and align the chakras, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

While some may dismiss these beliefs as mere superstitions, modern science is beginning to uncover the potential benefits of Tourmaline.

Studies have shown that Tourmaline can help reduce stress, promote sleep, and improve circulation. Its negative ion-emitting properties have been linked to improved mood and overall well-being.

With its rich history and multifaceted properties, the Tourmaline crystal's metaphysical meaning intrigues and inspires people worldwide.

Whether you are drawn to its spiritual qualities or appreciate its natural beauty, Tourmaline is a gemstone that invites us to explore the mysteries of the universe and connect with our inner selves.

Paraiba Tourmaline crystal earrings against a clear background.

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Birthstones originated in ancient times when people believed that wearing a specific gemstone during their birth month would bring good luck and protection.

A traditional birthstone has been used for centuries for a particular month. In contrast, a modern birthstone is a more recent addition, often chosen for its color or popularity among jewelry consumers.

The traditional birthstone for October is opal. However, Pink Tourmaline, also known as Rubellite, is considered a modern birthstone for October.

While there are many varieties of Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline crystal is often associated with October due to its beautiful pink hues, which complement the autumnal colors of the month.

Every October, those born in that month can celebrate their birthstone, Tourmaline, and be thankful for its beauty, protection, and strength.

Tourmaline allows those born in October to honor the past and create a better, brighter future.


Many people wear Tourmaline crystals as jewelry to benefit from their perceived meanings.

The gemstone is known for its ability to protect against negative energies, acting as a shield that keeps us grounded and centered.

This protective quality can tremendously benefit in chaotic or stressful environments, helping us maintain a sense of calmness and stability.

Others believe that Tourmaline has detoxifying properties, both physically and emotionally.

Wearing or using Tourmaline can help remove toxins from the body and release emotional blockages, promoting a greater sense of overall health and emotional well-being.

Another benefit of wearing or using Tourmalines is their potential to enhance creativity and inspiration. They are often associated with stimulating the flow of creative energy, helping us tap into our artistic side and think outside the box.

Whether you are a writer, painter, musician, or simply someone looking to infuse more creative thinking into your life, Tourmaline can be a valuable tool in unlocking your imaginative potential.

One way to incorporate Tourmaline in your daily life is by keeping it close to you in jewelry.

Wearing Tourmaline earrings, necklaces, or bracelets allows you to carry the gemstone’s energy wherever you go.

Tourmaline serves as a stylish accessory, but it also acts as a constant reminder of the positive attributes tourmaline brings.

Pink Tourmaline crystal necklace against a clear background.

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Whether you wear Tourmaline jewelry as a statement piece or as a subtle addition to your outfit, its presence can inspire and create.

Another way to incorporate Tourmaline into your daily life is to incorporate it into your home decor.

Placing Tourmaline crystals in different areas of your living space creates a harmonious and energizing environment.

You can display them on a shelf, use them as paperweights on your desk, or even incorporate them into your meditation space.

The natural beauty of Tourmaline, combined with its potential for enhancing creativity, can create a soothing and inspiring atmosphere in your home.

In addition to wearing Tourmaline jewelry and using it as part of your home decor, you can also benefit from its energy during meditation or mindfulness practice.

Holding a Tourmaline crystal during these sacred moments of healing and self-discovery can help you tap into your inner creativity and unlock new ideas and perspectives.

Together, they create a powerful synergy that helps the user focus and refocus energy, allowing them greater clarity and insight.

Hematite works to ground and protect the user, while Jasper brings balance and a sense of stability.

Meanwhile, Smoky Quartz helps to clear and purify the energy field, allowing for greater receptivity and creativity.

Together, these three crystals provide an excellent combination for anyone looking to explore the full potential of Tourmaline.

Pink Tourmaline Crystal earrings against a clear background.


Knowing how to care for your Tourmaline crystals properly is paramount to keep them looking beautiful and vibrant. For jewelry, please avoid harsh chemicals and wipe off any moisture or oils with a soft and dry cloth after wearing.

Store your jewelry in a clean, dry area out of the elements. It is also best to keep crystals or stones in any other form, such as raw specimens, in a safe, closed container.

To prevent mold and mildew, avoid letting them become wet, and take extra precautions to protect them from scratching or breaking.

With these tips in mind, you’ll keep your Tourmaline looking stunning.


As we've seen, Tourmaline is not just a beautiful gemstone; it holds a power beyond its physical allure. The deeper meaning of the Tourmaline crystal is often associated with protection and energy balancing.

By adorning yourself with Tourmaline jewelry, you enhance your outfit and connect with the energetic properties of this captivating gemstone.

The vibrant colors of Tourmaline reflect the kaleidoscope of emotions and experiences that make up the human experience. Each hue carries its unique energy, aligning with different aspects of our being.

As you embrace the power of Tourmaline, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. This gemstone constantly reminds you of the creative forces within you and the limitless potential ahead.

If you like this topic and are new to the world of crystals, check out our Crystals for Beginners blog post.

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